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Module [Module Number] Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsinformatik [1277BMWIN1]
Regular Cycle Winter + Summer Term
Teaching Form Thesis
Examination Form Thesis
Teaching Language German / English
Instructors Prof. Dr. Stefan Seidel, Dr. Janek RichterDr. Katharina DrechslerChristian Hovestadt
KLIPS Summer Term 2024 (First Registration Phase)


Available Supervisors

Bachelor theses are supervised by one or two of these examiners:

  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Seidel
  • Dr. Janek Richter
    • Digital transformation and organizational change with and through digital technology
    • Dynamic digital capabilities and agility
    • Innovative research methods (e.g. generative AI as a research assistant)
  • Dr. Katharina Drechsler 
    • Digital innovation and transformation
    • Innovation actors, especially innovation champions, entrepreneurs, and chief digital officers
    • Digital technologies: Industrial loT, artificial intelligence, blockchain
  • Christian Hovestadt
    • Organizational Routines
    • Digital Agents
    • Future of Work

Each supervisor has expertise and interest in different areas of research that broadly fall into one of three Topic Areas (see below). You can familiarize yourself with supervisors' research and find contact information on their profile website. 

Application Process

Application for the Bachelor Thesis follows a centralized process with fixed starting dates (see link below). After you have been alocated to our Chair via the centralized application process, you will find concrete topic proposals in the corresponding ILIAS course. Each semester, we offer a variety of relevant and exciting research problems for students to work on that broadly fall into one of our three Topic Areas (see below). Detailed information on the centralized application process can be found on the institute's website.

Link: Centralized Bachelor Thesis Application Process Instructions

Topic Areas

We offer a variety of relevant and exciting research problems for students to work on. Broadly, these problems fall into the three areas of Systems Development & Software Engineering Practices in the Digital Age, Digital Solutions for a Sustainable Future, and Digital Innovation, Transformation and Entrepreneurship. Detailed information on the offered topic areas can be found below.

You are also welcome to approach us with your own topic idea.


Systems Development & Software Engineering Practices in the Digital Age

Systems Development & Software Engineering Practices in the Digital Age